Growing up I never knew how normal healthy people ate. I have been overweight since I was about 9 years old. I always felt insecure about my weight and eating around others. Then as a family, we changed our diets to whole, healthy foods… and I still was over weight (it is possible to eat the right food and still eat too much of it). Then slowly we went back to eating unhealthy, but just not as bad.
As I grew up, I tried all of the different kinds of diets with my mom and sister. They never lasted. The sugar and flour was always there… just waiting for us to fail… and we did. I even tried the keto diet and lost 10 pounds! But…I went right back to the old eating habits.
Until one day, my mom called my sister and I into her room. She showed us the first video to Bright Line Eating on Facebook. Susan Pierce Thompson talked about how this way of eating takes all the will-power out. (Which is what we needed!!) Us three girls started with the 14 day challenge and my sister got the book. Once we started, we quickly found out that this is the best life style-ever!
For a couple of years, God had been speaking to my mom and He told her, “Your influence for Me will not be as effective in your society if you remain overweight. People will be more accepting and open if you will lose the weight.” (sadly our society is very judgmental) So that’s what we did. This has been the best lifestyle change. (it is not a diet). My mom, sister, and I have lost over 87lb each and have never felt better! The body insecurities are GONE! I don’t have to think, “What are they thinking about me. Do I look fat? Will I fit in that chair? I have to shop in the plus size section while all of my friends get to shop in the cute clothing sections.” Now I can just throw on jeans and a t-shirt and don’t have to worry about my body. I have so much energy. I don’t have tired headaches or the ‘blec’ feeling after eating junk food. I never have to feel insecure about eating food in front of other people. I can shop in the normal size people sections. I have never been this skinny in my whole life and I will never go back to the old me. Never! I’m not at my goal weight yet but I’m enjoying the journey. It is Deliciously Free!!
With joy, Natalie.